Since you are here, you know how helpful PagerDuty is and its impact on customer satisfaction and revenue.
It is excellent for SAAS solutions, but how about on-premises installation?
I won't go into detail, but over time we had to identify solutions for Technical Support teams to trigger incidents based on their investigations on the on-premises installations. For example, in our, an incident would be initiated from Slack.
Now, if you got to this point, you might wonder why you haven't used the built-in Slack Integration. The answer is that it works only for users with a PagerDuty account. That would have increased the costs (to be honest, I might have researched non-billable accounts in PagerDuty, but I would have missed the fun)
Step 1, deploy as quickly as possible an API
For this scenario will use Google Scripts. We open a Google Sheet, Apps Extension. We can start from the Snippet bellow.
Shortly, the code is fetching the text provided in Slack and sending it via PagerDuty API.
(since it's just a demo, no security implementations were considered).
As soon as we have everything ready, we go to Publish -> Deploy as Web App. This will generate a Web app URL, for e.g.:
As soon as we have the WebApp, we can create an app under : . As soon as the app is created go to : Slash Commands and add your Slack command and the mapping with Web app URL.